当事人有权要求恢复原状救济的情况包括( )A:He acted unofficiously and with intent to charge therefor.一方有收取报酬的医院,且不属于多管闲事。 B:The things or service were necessary to prevent the other from suffering serious bodily harm or pain. 一方提供的物品或服务对于另一方面受人身伤害或痛苦是必要的。 C: The person supplying them had no reason to know that the other would not consent to receiving them, if mentally competent.提供物品或服务的一方没有理由知道,如果另一方处于意识清醒、精神健康的情况下,会拒绝接受该物品或服务。 D: It was impossible for the other to give consent or , because of extreme youth or mental impairment ,the other’s consent would have been immaterial.接受服务或物品的一方因年幼或精神健康受损,无法做出同意的意思表示的,则不考虑其是否同意。 答案: He acted unofficiously and with intent to charge therefor.一方有收取报酬的医院,且不属于多管闲事。; The things or service were necessary to prevent the other from suffering serious bodily harm or pain. 一方提供的物品或服务对于另一方面受人身伤害或痛苦是必要的。; The person supplying them had no reason to know that the other would not consent to receiving them, if mentally competent.提供物品或服务的一方没有理由知道,如果另一方处于意识清醒、精神健康的情况下,会拒绝接受该物品或服务。; It was impossible for the other to give consent or , because of extreme youth or mental impairment ,the other’s consent would have been immaterial.接受服务或物品的一方因年幼或精神健康受损,无法做出同意的意思表示的,则不考虑其是否同意。
